Design Portfolio
In this task I was to create whatever I wanted using the text editor called Processing.
On the right is some of the initial designs and scope I created for my sketch. I wanted to create something interactive and fun therefore I created a Pong styles game. The game would be single player as I felt I wasnt confident using java to create a multiplayer game. I thought of the size of a canvas, paddle and ball to suit the majority of screen sizes.
CLick on the link above to see the code that I used to create the game. I creaed different intergers which made vales constant thoughout the code as well as using void setup to create the canvas and area for the game to be played in and then using void draw to create the game itself. I needed to use IF functions throughout the code because my game was dependant on the ball either bouncing off the padle or not.

However I was not happy with the finished result and I felt that I needed to make the game reset after the ball has gone past the padle.
I also created other sketches to practice using the software and getting used to using java. Find some examples bellow: